Batman, the Dark Knight

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martes, 11 de diciembre de 2007

El político y el Batman de Berlín

Gracias a Entrecomics me entero de lo siguiente:

Un político norteamericano, concretamente el congresista republicano Ron Paul, al ser preguntado por ComicMix por su superheroe favorito de comic, respondió lo siguiente:

"My favorite comic book superhero is Baruch Wane, otherwise known as Batman, in The Batman Chronicles. "The Berlin Batman," #11 in the series by Paul Pope, details Batman's attempts to rescue the confiscated works of persecuted Austrian economist, Ludwig von Mises, from Nazi Party hands.

“Batman's assistant Robin writes in the memoirs, "[Mises] was an advocate of individual liberty, free speech, and free thinking... and so, should I add, the Berlin Batman." Batman, a Jew in hiding in Nazi Austria, was willing to risk his life for the sake of the promulgation of freedom, and I find this to be super-heroic."

Traducción en Entrecomics

Cuanto menos curioso; no es habitual que un político hable (bien) sobre comics.

Portada e imagen interior de The Batman Chronicles #11, escrito y dibujado por Paul Pope, con color de Ted McKeever, y rotulación de Ken Lopez. ©1998 DC Comics.

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